Bookish · WWW Wednesday

WWW WEDNESDAY: 1 week late reading update

WELCOME to WWW Wednesday! Here is a short introduction of this meme, if you haven’t heard of it yet. This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. You then asked to answer three questions: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish… Continue reading WWW WEDNESDAY: 1 week late reading update

Bookish · WWW Wednesday

WWW WEDNESDAY: What have I been reading?

WELCOME to WWW Wednesday! Here is a short introduction of this meme, if you haven’t heard of it yet. This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. You then asked to answer three questions: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish… Continue reading WWW WEDNESDAY: What have I been reading?

Bookish · WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday: Another Reading Update

WELCOME to WWW Wednesday! Here is a short introduction of this meme, if you haven’t heard of it yet. This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. You then asked to answer three questions: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish… Continue reading WWW Wednesday: Another Reading Update

BOOK REVIEWS · Hauls/Wrap-ups/TBR · Readathon · TBR List · WWW Wednesday

TBR: August 2018 + BookTube-a-Thon + WWW Wednesday

Hello bibliophiles! It's a new month and this month is going to be a very hectic month for me. I won't be able to keep up to date with anything other than our business operations. So this month, I will be pre-writing some blog posts and scheduling it so it would seem that I am… Continue reading TBR: August 2018 + BookTube-a-Thon + WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday

WWW WEDNESDAY: July 25, 2018

WELCOME to WWW Wednesday! Here is a short introduction of this meme, if you haven’t heard of it yet. This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. You then asked to answer three questions: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish… Continue reading WWW WEDNESDAY: July 25, 2018

WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday: July 18, 2018

WELCOME to WWW Wednesday! Here is a short introduction of this meme, if you haven’t heard of it yet. This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. You then asked to answer three questions: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish… Continue reading WWW Wednesday: July 18, 2018

WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday: July 11, 2018

WELCOME to WWW Wednesday! Here is a short introduction of this meme, if you haven’t heard of it yet. This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. You then asked to answer three questions: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish… Continue reading WWW Wednesday: July 11, 2018

Bookish · WWW Wednesday

WWW WEDNESDAY: 7th December 2016

WELCOME to WWW Wednesday! Here is a short introduction of this meme, if you haven’t heard of it yet. Thismeme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. You then asked to answer three questions: What are you currently reading? What did you recently… Continue reading WWW WEDNESDAY: 7th December 2016

Bookish · WWW Wednesday

WWW WEDNESDAY: 30th November 2016

WELCOME to WWW Wednesday! Here is a short introduction of this meme, if you haven’t heard of it yet. Thismeme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. You then asked to answer three questions: What are you currently reading? What did you recently… Continue reading WWW WEDNESDAY: 30th November 2016

Bookish · WWW Wednesday

WWW WEDNESDAY: 23rd November 2016

WELCOME to WWW Wednesday! Here is a short introduction of this meme, if you haven’t heard of it yet. Thismeme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. You then asked to answer three questions: What are you currently reading? What did you recently… Continue reading WWW WEDNESDAY: 23rd November 2016

Bookish · WWW Wednesday

WWW WEDNESDAY: 16th November 2016

WELCOME to WWW Wednesday! Here is a short introduction of this meme, if you haven’t heard of it yet. Thismeme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. You then asked to answer three questions: What are you currently reading? What did you recently… Continue reading WWW WEDNESDAY: 16th November 2016